President Obama: Why Do Men Earn More Than Women in Your Administration?

Obama Why Do Men Earn MorePresident Obama: Why Do Men Earn More?
Image: Matt Yglesias@Twitter

(NY Times) President Obama on Tuesday, will call attention to what he has said is an “embarrassment” in America, that Women earn only .77 cents for every dollar a Man earns.

Critics of the Obama Administration are eager to turn the tables on the president arguing that Obama is a hypocrite and has been paying Women less than Men in his own administration–numbers don’t lie.

On the 21 March, I wrote here that the Obama Administration has paid Women less than Men in 2011 2012 and 2013

President Obama and his Democrat allies are doing everything they can do to portray Republicans as insensitive to the concerns of Women in the hopes of capitalizing on this work/wage issue but refuse to explain, why do Women earn less than Men in the Obama Administration?

Inquiring minds want to know and are still waiting on an adequate response from the White House.

Related: White House Press Secy Denies Women Earning Less

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