Obama Claimed to Be Against Delay of the “Individual Mandate” Before Supporting It

Another ObamaCare DelayObamaCare Concession—Individuals Now Exempt –Tea Party Patriots

(Wall Street Journal) Nearly 2 years ago, President Obama’s solicitor General told Supreme Ct Justices, that without the individual mandate ObamaCare would self-destruct.

The latest ObamaCare political reconstruction that has received little attention from the dinosaur media which HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius in testimony on Wednesday before a Congressional committee said that there would be no delays in the individual mandate–this turned out to be a lie.

Buried deep inside a technical bulletin released on 05 March, includes a paragraph and a footnote that casually mentions that a rule in a separate December, 2013 bulletin would be extended for two years until 2016 Lo and behold, it turns out this second rule published on 19 December, that was only to last 1 year, allows Americans whose health insurance policies were canceled to opt out of the individual mandate altogether.

In September, Obama claimed an “extreme faction” (Tea Party Conservatives) of Republicans are willing to risk an economic calamity when the House GOP was seeking just a 1 year delay of ObamaCare’s individual mandate.

So much for all of the fear mongering by Obama and Democrats about Tea Party Conservatives, the ‘doom and gloom’ rhetoric about delaying the implementation of ObamaCare ahead of its meltdown.

Related: Designed to Fail or Not, Outlook for ObamaCare is Grim –NRO

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