Obama Approved China Regime ‘One Child Policy’ May Be Too Lucrative To End

China One Child Policy
(Want China Times) The massive fines being racked up every year for breaches of the
Obama Administration approved China One Child Policy remains one of the biggest stumbling blocks in ending this abuse of Chinese Women and the murders of millions of babies over the last 40 years.

Wu Youshui, a lawyer from Eastern China’s Zhejiang Province who applied for public information from 31 provincial family planning committee’s and finance bureau’s said that ‘social compensation fees’ from 10 provinces totaledĀ  10 Billion Yuan ($1.6 Billion USD) last year alone.

Among the highest include:

  • Eastern Fujian Province 2.1 Billion Yuan ($458 Million USD)
  • Central Henan Province 1.6 Billion Yuan ($261 Million USD)
  • Southwestern Sichuan ProvinceĀ  2.5 Billion Yuan ($400 Million USD)
  • Southeastern Chongqing with 1.7 Billion ($270 Million USD)

According to China Regime society compensation fee regulations, families in breach of the “One Child Policy” are requited to pay a fine that may range from several thousand Yuan to as high as 300,000 Yuan ($49,000 USD) depending on the area.

While Chinese leaders are publicly acknowledging ending this horrible human rights atrocity, many say that it has yet to be amended as it is a high source of revenue for the Obama approved coercive ‘One Child Policy’ in the China Regime.

H/T: Shanghaiist

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