Deposed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi Facing Arson, Murder & Kidnapping Charges

Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi and ObamaMuslim Brotherhood Fascist Ex-President Mohamed Morsi With Pal Barack Obama –Image: Mohamed Draz/Twitter

(Reuters) Egyptian authorities have detained deposed Islamic Fascist Dictator Mohamed Morsi over an array of allegations including murdering 14 soldiers together with conspiring with the Palestinian Terrorist group Hamas.

On July 04 I wrote here that President Obama surprising no one, came to the defense of Islamic Fascist Muslim Brotherhood leadership, ostensibly begging that Morsi not be arrested.

Related: U.S. Ambassador Egypt Anne Patterson Stands By Islamofascists

Outrageous Accounts Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt Murdering Christians

Muslim Brotherhood Calls for U.S. Embassy Seige to Protest Morsi Ouster

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