Chinese Graduate Student Was Third Victim of Boston Marathon Bombings

Third Victim of Boston Marathon BombingChinese National Third Victim of Boston Marathon Bombing

Zhou DanlingChinese Grad StudentĀ  Zhou Danling Injured in Boston Bombings –Images

(Xinhua) Officials from the Chinese Consulate in New York have confirmed today that one Chinese national was murdered in yesterday’s Boston Marathon Bombings, a second victim Zhou Danling, is listed in stable condition after undergoing two surgeries at a Boston Medical Center.

Relatives of the deceased victim have requested anonymity–Boston University have only said that a grad student was killed in the blast and was one of three friends who were watching the Boston Marathon near the finish line, the third student was unharmed.

Chinese officials said they are doing everything that they can to help the families come to the United States and tend to their loved ones.

Related: China Netizens React to Boston Bombings –China Smack

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